Ancient india

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Ajanta Caves
These caves are the most magnificent examples of rock cut architectures and cave paintings. The Ellora caves are over 10 centuries old and represent elaborate sculptures of Hindu, Buddhist and Jain faiths. The caves at Ajanta dates back to the 5th century and contain paintings and sculptures of major events in the life of Lord Buddha.

Mahabalipuram, Tamil Nadu
Mahabalipuram is located on the Bay of Bengal. Mamallapuram means "the town of Mamalla, the great wrestler". This famous temple site of South India hails as one of the best prototype of the Dravidian Architecture.

Khajuraho Temples
Once a great capital of Chandela Kings, the temple town of Khajuraho has become one of the most visited temple site in India. Out of the once existing eighty-five temples, only twenty-five, strewn amidst the lakes and fields have lasted till today.


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